History In Real Time

Reference has been made to his ‘unpunctuality, his erratic work routine and his failure to keep appointments – a source of much embarraassment to party officials who usually found him in the late afternoon in one of his (favourite) haunts, eating cream cakes and regaling naive admirers with tall stories from (his) early struggles… .’

No. No. No! That’s not a leaked email from inside Trump’s WH…

That’s Historian William Carr in, Hitler, A Study in Personality and Politics; The Bath Press, Avon.

Also in Carr’s Hitler, “Legislation to restrict the freedom of what the Nazis were pleased to call ‘alien elements’ in German scoiety aroused little disquiet in middle-class circles.”

More here at ThinkProgress.org

Trump hints that he plans to seriously obstruct justice after the midterms ‘I want to get the elections over with, we’ll see what happens.’


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