Intel Officials Showed Trump Ironclad Proof Putin Ordered Cyberattacks Against U.S. Election: Reports

“But it made me wonder if people are suspicious that he revealed sensitive, classified intelligence, including human source information, to the president of the Russian Federation. That is a real concern that I had after reading the story.”

“I can’t believe this is something I’m saying about the president of the United States,” said Matthew Miller, former spokesman for the Department of Justice and attorney general Eric Holder.

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“American intelligence agencies had no doubt that Russia was behind the 2016 hack”, said Dan Coats, director of national intelligence.

‘On Wednesday, when a reporter asked, “Is Russia still targeting the U.S.?” Mr. Trump shot back, “No”  – directly contradicting statements made only days earlier by his director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, who was sitting a few chairs away in the Cabinet Room.’

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image: New York Times digital

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